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Course Prefix

Attention:  If you have an academic concern, please make sure that you have first attempted to contact your instructor directly and have made every attempt to arrive at a resolution.  If you are not satisfied with the result of this first step (or if you have not received a response), please reach out to the department chair listed below matching the course prefix for which you have an academic concern.


Code Program Contact Email
ACCT Accounting Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
AAMS African American Studies Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
AGBU Agricultural Business Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
AGED Agricultural Education Dr. Ben Weikert weikerBS@cobleskill.edu
AGEN Agricultural Engineering Technology Nicholas Testa testaND@cobleskill.edu
AGSC Agriculture Science Dr. Ben Weikert weikerBS@cobleskill.edu
AGRN Agronomy Dr. Lesley Judd juddLA@cobleskill.edu
AMSL American Sign Language Dr. Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
ANSC Canine Canine Dr. Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
ANSC Animal Science Dr. Ben Weikert weikerBS@cobleskill.edu
ANTH Anthropology Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
ARAB Arabic Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
ARTS Art Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
BIOL Biological Sciences Dr. Ben Weikert weikerBS@cobleskill.edu
BADM Business Administration Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
CHEM Chemistry Dr. Ben Weikert weikerBS@cobleskill.edu
COMM Communications Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
CAHT Culinary Arts, Hospitality, and Tourism Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
CYBR Cybersecurity Nicholas Testa testaND@cobleskill.edu
ECHD Early Childhood Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
ECON Economics Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
EMSC Emergency Medical Services Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
ENGL English Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
ENVR Environmental  Dr. Amy Quinn quinnAC@cobleskill.edu
FSMA Financial Services Management Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
FWLD Fisheries and Wildlife - Natural Resources Dr. Amy Quinn quinnAC@cobleskill.edu
FFCS Foundation for College Success Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
FREN French Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
GIST Geographic Information Systems Technology Nicholas Testa testaND@cobleskill.edu
GOVT Government Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
GART Graphic Arts and Design Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
HIST History Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
HONR Honors Kelly Yacobucci YacobuKR@cobleskill.edu
HUMS Humanities Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
CITA Information Technology Nicholas Testa testaND@cobleskill.edu
INTR Internship Preregistration Amanda Hantho hanthoae@cobleskill.edu
JOUR Journalism Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
MKHT Marketing Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
MATH Mathematics Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
MUSC Music Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
NAMS Native American Studies Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
NTRN Nutrition Erik Hage hageEO@cobleskill.edu
ORHT Ornamental Horticulture Dr. Lesley Judd juddLA@cobleskill.edu
PHED Physical Education Dr. Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
PERS Physical Education, Recreation and Sport Studies Dr. Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
PHIL Philosophy Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
PSCI Physical Science Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
PHYS Physics Dr. Ben Weikert weikerBS@cobleskill.edu
PSYC Psychology Dr. Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
RECM Recreation and Sports Area Management Dr. Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
SOSC Sociology Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
SPAN Spanish Christina Trees treesCL@cobleskill.edu
SPIN Sports Industry Dr. Gail Wentworth wentwoGE@cobleskill.edu
SUST Sustainability Studies Dr. Amy Quinn quinnAC@cobleskill.edu

If the professor teaching your course is also the department chair, please email the Dean of Faculty, Dr. Ian MacDonald macdonIM@cobleskill.edu