Reprimand and Warning
An official, written notification of a violation and expected future compliance with the College Student Conduct Codes;
Disciplinary Probation
An official, written notification of violation(s) which require improvement in behavior; probationary status means that any future violations will be viewed as more serious and could lead to Residence Relocation, Residence Banning, or College Suspension;
Residence Hall Relocation
The student is relocated to another on-campus assignment at the discretion of the Assistant Vice President for Student Development; Residence Hall Relocation automatically carries with it official Banning from the Hall from which the student is being removed for disciplinary reasons;
Residence Hall dismissal
Means that the student's privilege to live on campus is revoked; Residence Hall Dismissal automatically carries with it additional sanctions of Social Probation and Residence Hall Banning for a stated period of time to be established by the hearing officer or board;
Residence Hall Banning
Requires that a student be removed from a specified area (or areas) for a stated period; the student is directed not to be present in those areas until further notice; violation may cause further disciplinary action and may subject the student to arrest;
Requires that the student will repay or pay a stated amount or repair or replace either goods or services to the satisfaction of the Vice President for Student Development or designee;
Community Service
An assignment to an office or person to contribute to a community service activity for a stated number of hours or project completion;
Work Detail
An assignment to an office or person to perform a specific function for a stated number of hours or project completion;
Counseling Intervention
Requires the student to engage with a Wellness Center or other counseling professional for one session on a topic specified during the discipline hearing (e.g. anger management, alcohol or other substance use/abuse, dealing with authority, and so on);
College Suspension Held in Abeyance
Defers a College Suspension sanction based on an agreement by the student to adhere to a special, signed “Behavioral Contract.” Violation of this contact will result in immediate suspension;
College Suspension (for stated period of time)
Removes a student from access to classes, activities, residence halls and the other premises of the College; the student is directed to leave the campus and not return until expressly permitted by the Vice President for Student Development or the President;
College Dismissal (No possibility of return)
Removes a student from access to classes, activities, residence halls and the other premises of the College; the student is directed to leave the campus and not return.