Registration and Schedule Changes
Please click on the button below for instructions on how to add, drop, or withdraw from a course.
Banner Web Class Registration and Schedule Changes
Helpful Hints
Some Common Error Messages
Time Conflict
Course meeting times overlap. Choose an alternate section of one of the courses that overlap.
Class Restriction
You have not completed enough credits/semesters to be eligible to take this course yet.
Closed Course
The maximum enrollment for this course has been met. Register for another section or course.
Co-requisite Error
You have registered for only one component of a course. You need to be sure to have all components of a course. You will need to re-enter all components of the course.
Prerequisite/Test Score Error
You have tried to register for a course that you have not met the prerequisite for. A prerequisite is a course or courses that are required to be completed before registering for an advanced level course.